The Lowell Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to uniting our community and businesses to foster shared prosperity. Our mission is to create a dynamic environment where businesses thrive, and resident's flourish. We strive to strengthen local connections, empower businesses through resources and collaboration, to enhance the overall quality of life for everyone in Lowell. By bridging the gap between community and commerce, we aspire to build a resilient, vibrant, and inclusive Lowell that reflects the collective success of its diverse members.
In today's competitive and ever-changing world of business, any entrepreneur will do what it takes to make their business stand apart from the rest. Some resort to extensive marketing campaigns and social media strategies, others will introduce promotions or discounts to get people in the door, but another effective strategy of making a business successful may not be the first idea that comes into your mind; that business must join our local Lowell Chamber of Commerce!
Redefining the Way
We Live, Work, and Play
Our Chamber of Commerce publications such as guidebooks and newsletters are an effective way to highlight your business and increase the visibility for your product or service. They can also be an outstanding resource for tourists and local residents - it never hurts to have a great referral or two!